free-fall (parachute) jump

free-fall (parachute) jump
прыжок с парашютом, сопровождающийся свободным падением
этап свободного падения

Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "free-fall (parachute) jump" в других словарях:

  • Free-fall — is motion with no acceleration other than that provided by gravity. Since this definition does not specify velocity, it also applies to objects initially moving upward. Although the definition specifically excludes all other forces such as… …   Wikipedia

  • free-fall — /free fawl /, v., free fell, free fallen, free falling, adj., n. v.i. 1. (of parachutists) to descend initially, as for a designated interval, in a free fall: The jumpers were required to free fall for eight seconds. adj. 2. denoting or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • free fall — free ,fall noun uncount 1. ) an occasion when a price or value suddenly becomes much lower 2. ) the part of a PARACHUTE jump when someone falls quickly toward the ground before the PARACHUTE opens ╾ free ,fall verb intransitive …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • free fall — free falls also free fall 1) N VAR: oft into/in N If the value or price of something goes into free fall, it starts to fall uncontrollably. [JOURNALISM] Sterling went into free fall... The price did a free fall. 2) N UNCOUNT In parachuting, free… …   English dictionary

  • free fall — free′ fall′ n. 1) aer. the hypothetical fall of a body such that the only force acting upon it is gravity 2) spo the part of a parachute jump that precedes the opening of the parachute • Etymology: 1915–20 …   From formal English to slang

  • free fall — n. 1. the unchecked fall of anything through space, the atmosphere, a vacuum, etc., esp. the part of a parachutist s jump before the parachute is opened 2. any unchecked, usually rapid, decline, as in value, status, or stability …   English World dictionary

  • Parachute Jump — This article is about the Parachute Jump amusement ride. For the activity of jumping from a great height and using a parachute to slow one s fall, see Parachuting. Parachute Jump U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • free fall — 1. the hypothetical fall of a body such that the only force acting upon it is that of gravity. 2. the part of a parachute jump that precedes the opening of the parachute. 3. a decline, esp. a sudden or rapid decline, as in value or prestige, that …   Universalium

  • free fall — UK / US noun [uncountable] 1) an occasion when a price or value suddenly becomes much lower 2) the part of a parachute jump when someone falls quickly towards the ground before the parachute opens Derived word: free fall verb intransitive Word… …   English dictionary

  • free fall — noun Date: 1919 1. the condition of unrestrained motion in a gravitational field; also such motion 2. a. the part of a parachute jump before the parachute opens b. a rapid and continuing drop or decline < a free fall in stock prices > • free fall …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • free-fall — noun (U) 1 part of a jump or fall from an aircraft that is made before the parachute 1 is opened 2 a very fast and uncontrolled fall in the value of something : in free fall: The pound sterling was in free fall. free falling adjective …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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